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a new conversation?

These tips for small steps can lead the way to big changes in your community and at your workplace.

in your


  • Work at broadening your circle. Think about your closest circle of friends and family: how different are they from you? Do they share your color, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and abilities? For most of us, the answer is yes. Widen your circle by inviting someone from a different community to share a meal or grab a coffee. 

  • Look for diverse representation in media. The television, films, books, music, news, and social media we consume really shape how we relate to people from different groups. To reduce subconscious bias, spend time with a wide range of experiences and perspectives. Make sure that the kids in your life grow up with inclusive stories, it makes a major long term difference.

  • Give people space to be different. Be sensitive to your own biases as you see and interact with people. When you find yourself generalizing, try to think of counterexamples. Have you considered what you could gain from the perspectives of people who are different from you? Challenge yourself to look at things from their point of view, and they can do the same with you.

at your


  • Shake up your fika or lunch routine. Do you usually spend your office breaks with the same people? Try extending a fika or lunch invitation to people who are different from you or who work in a different department. Discover how much you have in common!  


  • Become a career mentor to someone from an underrepresented group. Sweden has many mentorship organizations looking for volunteers, including in the list on the Helpful Organizations page. An hour or less a week can make a major difference for people and families who want to make a connection.


  • Promote inclusion initiatives at your company. Would your employer be interested in working with people from underrepresented groups? Does your HR department have unbiased hiring practices? Have you had meaningful discussions with leadership about how to increase diversity and inclusion at your company? Allies are always needed, make a major difference with actions at your own organization!

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